Claire Havenhill is a printmaker, fiber, and mixed-media artist from California. Though a lover of all things printmaking,  she has special intrigue in traditional stone lithography, viscosity intaglio printmaking, and combining print with her natural dye practice. Claire is currently residing in Fort Collins, Colorado while pursuing her  BFA in Printmaking and Certificate of Art History at Colorado State University, set to graduate in the fall of 2025. After undergrad, she aspires to continue working towards teaching printmaking at the college level and/or work at a limited edition print publisher, seeking internships and residencies to further develop her artistic skillset. 

Artist Statement

I center my life and artistic practice around my perspective that anything can be art if you look at it from the right angle. I focus on finding the joy, the absurd, the “something” in our mundane day-to-day experiences, seeing art as an opportunity to observe my environment and search for little sparks of inspiration within it. While working mainly with multi-step, process-based media such as printmaking and fibers, I practice trust in my material to be my guide of where to go next. When making my work I attempt to continuously challenge myself to let go of control and focus on highlighting the beauty and intrigue of every intentional or incidental form. 

My work often implements forms, colors, and imprints of natural elements, sometimes in conversation with stylized figures. I commonly root my artwork in widespread idioms and expressions, relating them to personal and universal topics such as queerness, self-perception, and introspection.